Design User Experience from an Anthropological Perspective

I pursued UX Design because it allows me to harness technology for the benefit of real people. While technology offers solutions to numerous challenges, it often paradoxically presents difficulties for many individuals. My aspiration is to stand alongside my users, cultivating empathy, deep understanding, and connecting them to the advanced world we’ve created.

Escape Kit. Educational gamification.


Research topic: Investigating vaping behavior among high school students

Redesign Apple Contacts App and Voice User Interface on iOS
Feature Suggestion List and Group View.

A Solution to Shopping Experience at Walmart.

Feature Item Finder and Store Map


Research topic: How might we enhance the shopping experience at Walmart for users with PTSD and communication difficulties?

Prototype with Figma

Tools used: Figma

Design a Voice User Interface for Apple Watch by Voiceflow

Tools used: Voiceflow, Adobe XD.

Paper Prototyping with Marvel Prototyping Tool

Tools used: Papers, pens, and Marvel App

Prototype with Adobe XD

Tools used: Adobe XD.