Picture was taken in San Francisco, CA, in June 2022

Welcome to Quanatomy

A Science of Who I Am

I’m Quan Le, a passionate and culturally informed user experience designer. 

My life spans across different places. I was born in Hong Kong, raised in Vietnam, and now Dallas, Texas is my home.

In terms of my academic journey, I’m currently pursuing a degree in Communication Design with a specialization in User Experience (UX) at the University of North Texas. Alongside my major, I’ve chosen to minor in Art History and Anthropology, both of which have greatly enriched my perspective on UX design. 

My journey to the United States during my late teens and my formative years in Vietnam have deeply influenced who I am today. Vietnamese culture has strongly influenced my way of life. However, my exposure to the rich culture of American diversity has broadened my horizons. I’ve come to realize that a person’s cultural background profoundly shapes their personality and behavior. This realization led me to explore the field of Anthropology, where I discovered the beauty and logic in what some might consider exotic—superstitions, rituals, and traditional methods of healing. Furthermore, Anthropology has become a driving force in my approach to UX research.

With this background and perspective, I am dedicated to being a UX designer who sees through the lens of an Anthropologist. I aim to embrace and promote the value of cultural authenticity in the world of user experience. Also, I’m setting myself up to be an International UX Researcher who can freely travel and work globally.