Low-Mid Fidelity

Paper prototyping is when designers quickly create a low-fidelity presentation of a digital product on paper. The essential tools of paper prototyping are papers, pens, markers. If needed, designers can use color markers to add more visuals to their prototypes.


  • Ideas and concepts are generated quickly.

  • Captures ideas efficiently.

  • Facilitates iterative design.

  • Accessible in any circumstances.
    Low cost.


  • Legibility depends on one’s drawing skills.

  • Usually works best in the early stage of a project.

  • Lack of fine details and interaction.

  • Not suitable for text-based content.

  • Doesn’t support collaboration.

When to use

In the early stages of a project, when designers brainstorm and generate their ideas. However, the
prototype relies mainly on the drawing skill of designers. Therefore, careful attention to detail is a must.

Prototyping a Waste Management  App

Prototyping IKEA app

Prototyping Contacts App

Prototyping Battery Sharing

Paper Prototyping with Marvel App

Low-Mid Fidelity

Marvel is a platform that allows designers to transform their sketches into
an interactive presentations. By using Marvel, designers can do a rapid test with a sketchy prototype of a digital product.


  • Doesn’t require complex technology.

  • Quick and portable because everything can be done on the phone.

  • Allows rapid testing.

  • Low cost.


  • This can cause confusion due to the sketchy look.

  • Lack of clarity.

  • The testing requires an explanation along the process.

  • Not all features on the prototype are interactive.

  • Doesn’t support hover states and button functionalities.

When to use: When to use: During the early stages of a project. After sketching the prototype on paper, designers can use Marvel to make their paper prototype interactive and show how the screens connect through navigation. Consider using different types of pens and markers to differentiate components.